Weekly two-hour Lessons
There are various watercolour courses for all requirements. During the week there are two hour lessons on Tuesday-Wednesday and Thursday held during the day and in the evenings.
TUESDAY 10AM-12PM.............1PM-3PM.
The cost of the two hour courses is £10 for the two hours.
The Monthly Saturday Workshops
The Saturday indoor watercolour workshop starts at 10.00am and we go through the basics of watercolour painting, working on linear perspective, aerial perspective, colour mixing, the key measure and tone control. At 1.30pm we have a break and a light lunch and then at 2.00pm we start a painting either from a ready to paint sketch of mine or if the student is confident they can sketch their own from my template and we will work together as a paint along(I paint a bit, you paint a bit). We finish at 6.00pm and can enjoy looking at our finished work. If you have never painted before dont worry I will take you through the basics and painting materials can be hired for the day.
My aim is to introduce the new starter to watercolours in a steady and relaxed way, I find people adapt better if all pressure is removed from them and they are given time to evolve. With a max number of students being seven I am able to give each individual all the time they need to finish their painting. The workshops are on